Keller Williams began the Turkey Drive 15+ years ago providing 50 families in Durham Region with a full turkey dinner for the holidays. Last year we fed 2,500 families in Durham Region. One of our core values at Keller Williams Energy is that we all focus on making a difference in our community. To give where we live. This year, our goal is to once again, feed 2,500 families!

To feed 2,500 families we need to raise $117,500. We accept donations year-round, and if you donate over $250, we include your logo or family name on the back of the recipe card included in each family’s dinner.

Together, let’s feed families in our community!

Keller Williams Energy thanks you for any donation (big or small) as all monies help benefit the growing need to feed families in Durham.

I run a bottle drive that funds additional purchases of turkeys during the holiday season. Donations can be made anytime, contact me and I will pop over and pick them up (Durham Region Area Only Please). Should you want to you can always make a monetary donation to the drive by contacting me directly. 

To learn more about Keller Williams and our culture visit

In addition to collecting empties for return to the Beer Store, I save the Pop Tabs from beer and pop cans, which I take to The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre.   Did you know that the recycling of these tabs generates revenue that benefits their their programs. 


Ask me for a jar that you can use to save the pull tabs in, and I can collect them the next time I come to get your empties!

To learn more abou the Charles H. Best Centre, click here.

Annual KW Charitable Activities


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